Together, we are leaving our mark on the manufacturing industry
As a member of DRMA and an active leader in the manufacturing industry, you know firsthand the challenges we face in developing and retaining a qualified workforce. This singular issue is vital to the success of our companies and the economic vitality of our region.
We are proactively responding to challenges the industry faces. The new and advanced technologies of today’s
innovative manufacturing industry demand a workforce of individuals who are trained, skilled, and committed. The “nuts and bolts” of our industry’s past have been replaced by a level of high-tech innovation. Fulfilling
the workforce requirements of this new age requires an advocate and expert to pave a path for individuals to
funnel into this workforce. Dayton Region Manufacturers Association serves as that advocate and expert.
DRMA can achieve our goals only with the help of generous donations from members just like you.
> Dave Dysinger on the Gift That Keeps On Giving <
> Brian Ault of Bruns General Contracting on the value of DRMA <
Foundation Impact Gallery
Through our donations, we inspire and nurture thousands of students and adults annually to seek a career in manufacturing.