Moving Manufacturing
DRMA LinkedIn Group
We are excited to announce a DRMA LinkedIn Group strictly for selected points of contacts at DRMA member companies. This LI group provides a venue to ask questions, learn from each other, and collaborate on a private platform dedicated to our members. Joining this LinkedIn group is limited to 1) the top company official, 2) the primary, and 3) the secondary point of contact for your DRMA membership. If you are unsure if your company position qualifies, contact Kayle at DRMA HERE. Please do not share this email/link.
A typical discussion example might be the member's manufacturing production challenge. Those who have an answer/suggestion can weigh in with their thoughts. Others would comment, offering advice not only for the original person who asked but for many others in the conversation. Spin-off questions and answers branch out, and the discussion deepens. This is an outstanding tool to improve processes, share challenges, and learn from your DRMA peers.
This group is NOT for recruiting employees or promoting, selling, or publishing general LinkedIn content such as new hires, new products, or company events. This group is strictly a tool to help us learn, contribute, offer advice, and grow collectively.
Two easy steps will get you started: 1) CLICK HERE, and 2) request to join the group. A DRMA admin will approve you, and you will receive a notification letting you know you can start posting/commenting. Be sure to allow notifications to stay up to date! Simply click the bell icon at the top of the page (see screenshot) and select “all new posts.” You can always edit your settings later.
New to LinkedIn? Setting up an account is a great way to stay in touch with your professional network. CLICK HERE to create your account. You will be asked to enter an email address, password, and phone number (for security verification: text and call options are available). LinkedIn will walk you through the basics of setting up your profile. Be sure to follow the general DRMA page.
Thanks again for your dedication to DRMA and our collaborative success!