Building Our Future
The Dayton Region Manufacturers Association (DRMA) Foundation is dedicated to building and sustaining a qualified workforce for the region's manufacturing industry, an industry with significant economic impact throughout southwest Ohio. Guided by a volunteer board of directors who understands the industry’s workforce challenges, the DRMA Foundation, a 501c3 charitable organization, meets the needs of the manufacturing industry by funding DRMA's workforce activities and efforts, which translate to individual opportunity, manufacturing growth, and community prosperity.
DRMA members list the shortage of skilled workers as their most pressing challenge. Economist Brian Beaulieu states, “…the shortage of skilled workers and rising labor costs are perhaps the most significant factors that could slow growth, especially for the manufacturing industry.”
To answer this challenge, DRMA established the DRMA Foundation to fund workforce development initiatives to bring workers into the manufacturing industry and to further develop the skills of those workers currently employed in the sector. Additionally, DRMA leads the Dayton Region Manufacturing Workforce Partnership, an OMA-endorsed sector partnership, along with partners FASTLANE and the Dayton Development Coalition.
Would you consider donating to the DRMA Foundation to help fund this initiative? Your donation will help fund:
Manufacturing Day…exposing students and educators to careers in manufacturing through on-site plant visits.
Industry Recognized Credentials…working with educators to align their curriculum with industry-validated credentials, including the MSSC Certified Production Technician, the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS), and welding credentials, among others.
Career Events…conducting activities to expose students to careers in manufacturing, such as exhibiting during school lunches and career fairs, speaking in classrooms, summer camps, and creating various hands-on activities.
Your Future Career Campaign…a promotional campaign enticing young people to choose careers in manufacturing.
Training/Education Advisory Committees…DRMA volunteers serve on advisory committees at high schools and colleges to convey the needs of manufacturers, ensuring that their curriculum produces graduates with the needed skill sets.
On-going Future Initiatives…the campaign to bring highly skilled workers to the sector is ever evolving and improving with new initiatives continually being planned and implemented.
A strong skilled workforce benefits both manufacturers and families in the Dayton Region.
Please consider donating to the DRMA Foundation and together we can answer this challenge. You may donate as a one-time gift or as recurring monthly donation. No amount is too small to help build the future of our community.