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2019 Annual Meeting: A Little Bit of Business and A Lot of Fun

The annual business meeting, held on December 5 at The Dayton Club, was both informative and fun. Attendees enjoyed beverages, hors d’ oeuvres, and camaraderie with fellow DRMA members.

The almost 100 attendees from member companies heard an inspiring “I’m So Glad We Had This Time Together” speech by outgoing board chairman Don Clouser (Champion Companies), an introduction by incoming board chairman Jon Foley, and overview of 2019 accomplishments with a peek of what’s coming in 2020, and a review of ballot items, including the 2020 budget and board member ratification.

The 2019 board chair Don Clouser (left) accepts a recognition plaque from 2020 board chair Jon Foley (right).

Outgoing trustees Lou Vilardo (PDi Communications) and Jim Zahora (TAC Industries) were recognized and thanked for their service and dedication to the Association.

Lou Vilardo and Jim Zahora

Incoming board candidates were introduced: Phil Brockman (Techmetals, Inc.), Kevin Hartke Resonetics), and David Reger (Winston Heat Treating).

New Honorary members were announced, in recognition of their outstanding service to both the Association and the industry: Mike Gorman (retired from John M. Gorman Company, Inc.), Michael Kalter (retired from Michael Katler, LLC), and Bill Lukens (retired from Stillwater Technologies).

Mike Gorman, Michael Kalter, and Bill Lukens

Among the attendees was a huge group of current and past trustees who are greatly appreciated for their leadership in making DRMA the one of the very best regional manufacturing trade associations in the entire country!

Current and past leaders of DRMA

You won’t want to miss our next annual meeting in 2020 that'll be held in early December.

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