THANKS to the following member companies and people who are helping to grow the manufacturing workforce pipeline!
For volunteering for a Speaking Event at Stebbins High School – Feb. 7th
o Kevin Barker
For volunteering for a Speaking Event at Bellbrook High School – Feb. 27th
o Jim Bowman- Noble Tool
For volunteering for a Speaking Event at Valley View High School – Feb. 28th
o Courtney Carlisle- Gray America Corp.
For volunteering for a Career Fair at Xenia High School – Mar. 8th
o Jon Schmiedebusch
o Kevin Barker
o Lorie Ball- Technicote
o Madison Stitt- Technicote
o Beth Casella- FC Industries
o Chuck Dryer- Industrial Tube & Steel
o Garry Jankowski- Sandvik
o Jordan Hancock- Norwood Medical
o April Angel- FC Industries
o Tommy Redinger- BarSplice
o April Angel- FC Industries
o Kim Coomer- D&E Machine
Every one of these efforts helps to raise awareness of the great careers in our industry, resulting in a bigger pool of quality candidates for you to hire. If you would like to help, contact Kara.