Moving Manufacturing
We STRENGTHEN our members by fostering innovation, partnerships, and connectivity while growing the industry through workforce development, economic development, and business tools.
Workforce Partnership
The DRMA leads the Dayton Region Workforce Manufacturing Partnership (DRMWP). The purpose of DRMWP is to develop and execute new and enhanced initiatives that strategically align workforce efforts to ensure manufacturing competence and growth in the Dayton Region. LEARN MORE HERE.
Learn more about sector partnerships
The strength of the sector partnership is its unique ability to foster collaboration. Successful earn-and-learn strategies are born from collaboration among partners - businesses, workforce intermediaries, educational institutions, the public workforce system, and other key community organizations. Every partner has a critical role to play:
- Identify the skills and knowledge that apprentices need to learn
- Provide industry and/or workforce-specific expertise (e.g. curriculum development)
- Hire new workers, or select current employees, to be apprentices
- Provide on-the-job training
- Identify and engage experienced mentors to work with apprentices
Educational institutions:
- Develop curriculum for related instruction and deliver it to apprentices
- Aggregate demand for apprentices
- Offer access to financial resources, outreach
Public workforce systems:
- Develop sector and career pathway strategies utilizing apprenticeships
- Recruit and screen candidates to be apprentices
- Provide support services
- Contribute funding for OJT training or related instruction
Connecting Members to Members
A core value of DRMA membership is access to like-minded people and companies. These connections allow you to learn from others, share your industry knowledge and build lasting relationships that help you and your business thrive.
Lunch & Learn Webinars presented by members over the lunch hour bring valuable information to DRMA members. LEARN MORE.
Breakfasts with DRMA are a great way to start the morning by diving deep into topics relevant to the industry. LEARN MORE.
Happy Hours are 2-hour open-house events held at member locations. A great opportunity for members to mingle, solve problems, and find new avenues for business growth. LEARN MORE.
Meet Ups help you and your key employees build your peer network with members who are interested in the same topic area so that you can learn from them and strengthen your business. LEARN MORE.
DRMA Shoptalk brought to you by DRMA's Associate Board, allows members to get together for a little “overtime” after work at one of Dayton’s most popular breweries. LEARN MORE.
DRMA Special Events feature several events throughout the year, like the Golf Outing, workshops, and seminars. LEARN MORE.
DRMA LinkedIn Group
The DRMA LinkedIn Group provides a venue to ask questions, learn from each other, and collaborate on a private platform dedicated to our members.
This is your opportunity to ask questions important to the success of your business and, in turn, leverage your industry knowledge to help others. As many members tell us, the value they receive from their DRMA membership directly correlates with their engagement level . . . this LI group is another way to engage, connect, and contribute to you and your fellow members’ success!
There are a couple of rules to keep the discussion focused on questions and answers: no advertising (for your products/services or for employees) is allowed.
If you haven’t already joined the group, it’s easy!
1) CLICK HERE and 2) request to join the group. A DRMA admin will approve you, and you will receive a notification letting you know you can start posting/commenting. Be sure to allow notifications to stay up to date! Simply click the bell icon at the top of the page (see screenshot) and select “all new posts.” You can always edit your settings later.
New to LinkedIn? Setting up an account is a great way to stay in touch with your professional network. CLICK HERE to create your account. Be sure to also follow the general DRMA PAGE.
Wage & Benefit Survey
Use the survey report to compare your compensation package with other manufacturer members in the Dayton Region.
" The DRMA Wage and Benefit Survey is a great benchmarking tool for us. We want to offer a total compensation package that is competitive in the region. We want Noble Tool to be one of the manufacturing employers of choice in the Dayton Region, and the survey supports that goal. "
Jim Bowman
President and CEO, Noble Tool Corp.
Learn more about the Wage & Benefit Survey
Paying people fairly is good for business. Underpay, and employees will eventually look for a better offer. Overpay and the payroll budget and profitability will suffer. That's why companies use market data to research the value of their jobs, and that’s exactly what the DRMA Wage and Benefit Survey Report provides.
This survey helps you benchmark the value of your jobs and your benefits plan. Current trends for compensation are covered, as are topics including employee benefits, work schedules, and retention strategies.
Non-participating DRMA members may purchase a copy for $250; non-members may purchase a copy for $400. Call the Association office (937-949-4000) or email Shay Knoll to order your copy.
Interested in getting your name in front of the 100+ members, schools, and economic development organizations in the Dayton Region that are reading the report? Consider placing an ad in this year’s report. Click here for more information, or contact Shay with questions.
Workers’ Comp Group Rating Program
Save money on your workers' compensation premium through the DRMA group (administered by Sedgwick)
DRMA’s Workers’ Comp Group Rating Program can reduce your company’s premium costs significantly while providing you access to safety resources and programs that can help your company stay productive and injury-free. Not only do group members save large amounts of money, they also have peace of mind that DRMA is on their side, helping them meet their Workers’ Compensation requirements.
​Learn more about Workers Comp
By selecting DRMA’s Workers’ Comp Group Rating Program, you will save money while supporting DRMA and strengthening manufacturing throughout the region. The BWC requires that group members join the sponsoring association. Why not choose the DRMA group and stretch your dues dollars by taking advantage of the many additional programs and services DRMA offers to its members? Save money while strengthening your company and the DRMA. It’s a win-win. To get a quote, FILL OUT THIS FORM. It's quick and easy. No cost. No obligation.
DRMA partners with Sedgwick, the administrator of the Workers’ Comp Group Rating Program, to maximize employers’ workers’ compensation premium savings. LEARN MORE.
If you have questions, please contact: Shay Knoll or the DRMA office at (937) 949-4000
BWC’s Division of Safety & Hygiene provides a variety of PRE-PAID programs, services, and resources to help Ohio employers create a safe and healthy workplace. Businesses that have built safety and wellness into their workplace cultures reap many benefits, including fewer accidents, lower workers’ compensation costs, and more productive employees. LEARN MORE.
DRMA is a BWC-certified sponsor of Workers' Comp Group Rating Program. LEARN MORE.
Young Professionals
Are you a young professional? If so, DRMA has ways for you to get involved in our efforts! Getting involved with DRMA is a great way to further your career by making new connections and having an impact on the region's manufacturing sector, all while learning from your peers and growing both personally and professionally.
Career awareness events
These opportunities are an easy way to help DRMA instill how cool manufacturing is in the future workforce! To learn about what’s coming up, contact Kara.
Join a committee
DRMA offers many opportunities to connect with other members and volunteer your time to help in our many efforts. Looking to connect with other young professionals? Consider joining the Associate Board to meet with like-minded individuals who share your drive to strengthen manufacturing in the Dayton Region. LEARN MORE HERE.
Business Leads
DRMA connects members with business leads from companies who reach out to us seeking a supplier.
Here’s how our Business Leads service works
DRMA is contacted by a company seeking a service or supplier.
We email our manufacturing members* asking if they are interested in joining a pool of potential candidates.
You respond “Yes, I am interested.”
We provide the company with a list of “Yes” responders for consideration.
You are potentially awarded the company’s business.
*If a company is seeking a service provided by Affiliate or Associate members, we provide a list of all such members directly to the inquirer.
It’s that easy!
And don’t forget that DRMA’s Business Leads service works both ways. If your company is over capacity and needs to out-source a job, remember to tap into our service.
Contact Shay for more info.
Legal Services Plan
As a DRMA member, you get one free call a month with Bob Dunlevey, an employment law expert.
What is it?
DRMA’s Legal Services Plan offers our members one free legal consultation per month with Bob Dunlevey or his associates at Taft Law. Get a quick, no-hassle response to legal issues concerning labor, safety, real estate, and more.
How do I use the plan?
Simply contact Taft Law lawyer Bob Dunlevey at (937) 641-1743 and identify yourself as a DRMA member
What does it cover?
The primary purpose of our plan is to provide each member the opportunity to identify and discuss legal issues and to resolve those issues quickly through convenient access to qualified legal counsel knowing your business. Whether it is a question regarding the terms of an equipment lease, a real estate matter, a government contract dispute, or an OSHA surprise inspection, your answer is just a phone call away.
If your matter is more intricate and requires more time, Bob Dunlevey will discuss with you the needed services and estimate the cost for you.
Many DRMA members use our Legal Services Plan and find it to be a valuable business tool. Don’t miss out!
Promotional Tools & Opportunities
Promote your products, services, and expertise to over 300 member companies (manufacturers and manufacturing suppliers) by taking advantage of the following opportunities offered through DRMA. CONTACT THE DRMA OFFICE for more details.
Advertising opportunities
News Bits Newsletter – This email, produced two times per month, is sent to over 2,000 email addresses (including recipients at member companies, the Greater Dayton Region’s manufacturing community, and industry stakeholders) to provide information in a quick-read format. 8 advertising spots per month. Fee: varies by frequency and position (members only).
DRMA Website – Hits average over 1,100 per month. 4 advertising spots are available on the home page. Fee: varies by frequency (members and DRMA non-profit partners only).
Sponsorship opportunities
Breakfast Events - Held several times a year with an average attendance of 60. You get a seat at the head table, a couple of minutes at the microphone, a display table, a News Bits article, and in our event promotion in News Bits and on the registration page of the website (members only).
Happy Hour Events - Held several times a year with an average attendance of 40 people, Happy Hours are peer-to-peer networking events at member facilities. You provide the space and refreshments, and DRMA promotes the event through New Bits emails, and the website (members only)
Golf Outings - Lots of opportunities including Par 3 games, tee/green signs, and others. Fee: varies by option.
Economic Update - Expose your brand at DRMA's most popular event of the year! 200+ attendees from DRMA member companies and guests. Fee: varies by option.
Lunch & Learn Webinars - Present your expertise to the DRMA audience by hosting a Lunch and Learn webinar. Fee: varies by option (members only)
Shoptalk - Held several times a year with an average attendance of 40, you have the opportunity to share your expertise as a speaker at these lively and fun events. Fee: $300 (members only).
Promotional opportunities
Get your logo on things like shirts, student giveaways, and signage at student events to help defray the costs of items needed to fulfill the DRMA mission. Fee: varies by option, typically in the $500 range (members only).
Presenting to the DRMA audience
Eager to speak to the DRMA audience and present your expertise? We're always looking for speakers to present timely, relevant information at our events. These events range from short "rapid-fire" presentations at our Shoptalk events, all the way to full panel discussions at our Breakfast with DRMA events. We also host DRMA Lunch & Learn webinars which are 30-minute webinars that take place over the lunch hour and provide valuable information to members. If you're interested in getting in front of the DRMA audience, fill out THIS FORM for consideration.
Committee Involvement
DRMA offers many opportunities to connect with other members and volunteer your time to help in our many efforts.